How to activate the Cloud 3-day Free Trial service plan using YI Home/Kami App
To activate the Cloud 3-day Free Trial service plan using YI Home/Kami App, please follow the steps below:
1. In the YI Home/Kami app, click on Account at the bottom right corner.
2. Tap on Purchase Another Plan.
3. Under Buy Cloud, Choose the YEARLY plan. Tap on Try Free for 3 days.
4. Select your payment option (Credit/Debit Card or PayPal), and click on Continue.
(Note: After the 3-day free trial it will renew to the selected plan and payment method)
5.1 For Credit or Debit Card. Click Add new card then enter your credit/debit card information.
Tap on Confirm to save the information.
5.2 For PayPal Payment. Select PayPal then Tap on Purchase.
Sign in on the PayPal website to proceed with the payment.