I can view the Live feed, but I couldn't hear any audio
- When viewing the recorded video in Alerts or the Cloud, check if the speaker icon below the video has been muted. Click on the muted speaker button to listen to the audio.
- If you can't hear the audio after making sure the speaker button is not muted, the camera microphone is disabled. To enable, from the app home screen, click on the hexagon symbol inside the camera thumbnail. In Settings, click on Camera Settings. Click on the grey toggle switch next to the Camera Microphone. The toggle switch will turn green once enabled.
To enable the camera microphone, please follow the steps below:
1. Launch the YI/Kami Home App.
2. Tap on the Camera Thumbnail.
3. Tap on Settings.
4. Tap on Camera Settings.
5. By default the Camera Microphone is disabled. Toggle the Camera Microphone to enable.