How many metering modes are there and for what scenes are they good for?
Multi Metering: The multi metering mode uses very sophisticated and complex algorithms to predict the scene you are shooting and the correct exposure for that scene. The camera splits the scene up into a matrix and then takes a light reading on each individual segment. The exposure is based on different variables across the scene. We recommend using this mode in most scenes. This mode is good for evenly and moderately lit environments such as shooting scenery and portraits with front-lighting.
Center: This mode is a classic metering mode for portrait shooting where the subject is in the middle of the viewfinder.
Spot: Under spot metering mode, the camera only measures a very small area (usually 1.5% of the view) to get the proper exposure. This mode is good for partially lit environments such as around a stage, or for back-lighting silhouette and advertising photography.