Setting Up Your Camera With YI Home app
Before You Start
1. Download the YI Home app from the Play Store (Android)
2. Download the YI Home app from the App Store (iPhone)
3. Create an account in the YI Home app. If unsure, refer to this link.
4. Check your phone to make sure that it's connected to a 2.4GHz band Wi-Fi network before pairing the camera (5GHz is only supported with Kami Indoor Camera).
5. Make sure the location for the phone and the app is turned on. In iOS, select the Settings app. Then click on Privacy. Select Location Services. Turn Location Services on. Select YI Home. Select While Using the App or Always. In Android, select the Settings app. Click on search and type location. Select App permission. Enable location. If you don't see the location, tap Security & location. Enable location.
Pairing the camera with the app
1. Connect the camera with the USB cable and adapter, and plug the adapter into a power outlet. The camera can also be powered by only the USB cable if it's plugged into a device that provides power through USB.
2. Open the app and log in to your account.
3. To add your camera, select the '+' icon.
4. Under Select Device(s), choose the camera that is going to be paired with the app. If you aren’t sure, click on the QR code under Select Device(s). Scan the QR code on the bottom of the camera.
5. Under Set up the camera, Please wait 20 seconds until you hear, “Waiting to connect”. If you hear the voice prompt, click on I heard "Waiting to connect" at the bottom of the screen. If you don’t hear waiting to connect click on the link called, I did not hear it. Use a paper clip to push the reset button for a few seconds. Then select Reset successful.
6. Under Connect to Wi-Fi, first, make sure the Wi-Fi name is correct. Only the Kami Indoor camera can connect to the 5GHz Wi-Fi band. All other YI cameras use the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi band. Then enter the password for the Wi-Fi router. Select Connect to Wi-Fi.
7. Then face the QR code directly at the camera. If you hear “QR code scan is successful,” press next. If you did not hear anything, click on the link at the bottom of the screen.
8. The camera will go into retrieving pairing status that can take 1-2 minutes until the camera is successfully paired with the app.
9. Create a name for the camera. This can be a custom name or the location of the camera. Click Save.
10. If you have a YI Home 3, it includes a 6-month free cloud subscription. You will need to click "Activate YI Cloud Service", or the free cloud is no longer available. Then click "Confirm Activation" to activate the free cloud service. If your camera does not include a free cloud service, you can still purchase a cloud service in the app.