I don't see the cameras in the pc/mac desktop app.
If you are having an issue trying to view your YI/Kami cameras in the pc/mac desktop app but you can view them in your mobile app, you are signing into the pc/mac desktop app in the wrong region. To correct this issue, please follow the steps provided.
Mac desktop app Select region
In the mac desktop app, there will be a region shown below the sign-in area on the page. To select a different region click Change Location. There are only two options available, North America and Europe. Select the correct location and click ok. Make sure the country you are signed into for the YI/Kami Home app matches the region in the mac desktop app.
PC desktop app Select region
In the pc desktop app, there will be a region shown below the sign-in area on the page. To select a different region click Change Location. There are only seven options available, North America, Isreal, Europe, Asia, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Select the correct location and click ok. Make sure the country you are signed into for the YI/Kami Home app matches the region in the pc desktop app.
Signed into the incorrect region
After signing in, if you are receiving the message, "You do not have any camera paired to this account. Pair a YI Home/ Dome camera on your mobile app first", check the prior steps to make sure you are signed into the correct region on the YI/Kami Home app, to see the cameras in the mac/pc desktop app.